Upcoming events

Monday is uVerse install day. Since this is not a brand new product for AT&T , I hope it goes smoothly, but prepare for it to not go smoothly.

My web hosting company agreed to cut the price in half for the server (I’ve been their customer for 10 years) which gives me some breathing room. It still isn’t cheap, but quality has a price.

The past couple days I have been configuring my lowly home PC to run the web site on uVerse on Fedora. This probably would only be temporary, but might be permanent depending on how well it works. It might give me a way to do extended work on the real server that can’t be done with the server up and 1000 miles away. So if you see thunderstorms in Connecticut, the web server might go down 😉

In any case, there may be sporadic outages or the server getting bogged down. Time to save copies of the pages in case it were to go down permanently

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5 Responses to Upcoming events

  1. lasong says:

    If you need donations let us know, your service is invaluable and the best on the web.

  2. Art Stone says:

    Good news 🙂

    the uVerse install went off without a hitch. Running the Service from my second bedrom looks very doable. The only down side is no 24/7/365 service guarantee. If my power goes off, the web site goes down 🙂

    If I can get by with that, then all the pressure is off due to the web hosting costs and relying on other parties to do things. There is a lot to be said for the Reset button being right on the desk with you.

    • DevilsAdvocate says:

      Have you taken a look at the service agreement to be sure there won’t be any issues running the server from your house? I know that some companies frown on that, but I really don’t know much about uVerse.

      Some companies are even charitable enough to block incoming access to the ports used for various servers so you won’t be tempted. How kind of them! 🙂

      • Art Stone says:

        I did read the TOS first.

        The strongest suggestion that they don’t have an issue with web servers is that the configuration for their router explicitly has an option to open up the firewall to port-forward port 80.

        In fact it’s up and working right now 🙂 An some point in the next few days, johngalt.streamingradioguide.com will probably start pointing at it. I’m running mySQL replication so it has the database available locally – although it’s fast enough pulling the data remotely that it may not be a problem until I decide to do a hard cutover. Back in the days of FindAnISP.com, at one time I was running 3 servers in three data centers, so most of this is familiar territory.

        uVerse has a monthly cap of 350 GB usage. I think my peak month at the web hosting farm I was like 16 GB. I don’t download netflix movies, so I’m thinking I am a lightweight user.

        Of course, they might have an issue with behavior. The web site can’t host racist content, etc… They have a warning process before they terminate service. If they have a problem with it, it’s easy enough to put it back on a real hosting service. The entire web site is sitting now on an external hard drive with a bootable USB connection. “StreamingRadioGuide in a box”

  3. Parrott says:

    Yep, ! What Lasong said.

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