Weiner update

Alex Jones relentlessly exaggerates, but if his recent guests are even close to knowing the truth, the FBI is looking into the possibility that Huma is a spy (shocking I know!) and their computers were being used to pass classified information to Saudi Arabia and/or Israel. Would Huma being arrested influence Hillary? Hard to say. I firmly believe the Democratic Party opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline was orchestrated at the request of the Saudis, and to a lesser extent Warren Buffett and his railroads. Pollution has not a thing to do with it.

In other New World Order news, a court in England has ruled that Brexit cannot go forward without Parliament action, despite the fact there was an election held authorized by Parliament.

Will the Fed and NWO crash the US market to scare voters away from Trump?

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5 Responses to Weiner update

  1. briand75 says:

    A court in England be damned. Brexit will occur or England will revolt.

  2. Parrott says:

    “Will the Fed and NWO crash the US market to scare voters away from Trump?”

    They don’t have to do much. It isn’t like the economy is going like gangbusters. I guess if you have a goose laying golden eggs, you’re in high cotton. Otherwise the rest of us ‘deplorables’ are out here in ‘flyover’ country, working for the ‘man’ everyday .
    NWO can kiss my coal mining-ass.

  3. JayMar says:

    Liberals (or Labour in this case) are afflicted with the same disease that causes incessant recounts, recounts until they win (Coleman vs. Franken or LBJ vs. Stevenson). Another symptom is just simply the people vote but the elites know better. So the elites find a way to subvert the will of the people. Brexiteers won now P.M. May need to trigger Article 50 and get the hell out!

  4. JayMar says:

    The question of the day is: WHERE IN THE HELL IS HUMA SANDIEGO?

    • Parrott says:

      LOL They had her on CBS this morning, today, doing a supposed fund raiser for ‘Big-Hill’ in DC. Showed her walking into a house.
      Freaks no doubt.
      She better stay away from Ft. Marcy park, LOL

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