Jeffrey Kuhner’s opinion about Rush Limbaugh

Wow.    It didn’t take long for the head sycophant brown noser of the Weiner nation to try to deflect attention from the absent character of Michael Savage who is in hiding today.

A liberal caller (Kevin from Austin) lobbed out the bait comparing Amy whatshername in London that died of a drug overdose with Rush Limbaugh.   Jeffrey took the bait – hook, line and sinker.

After retelling one of his dubious “personal stories”, he wanders into

“… you mentioned the Golfer, as Dr Savage so eloquently puts it – Rush Limbaugh – he is not a Conservative – that’s another myth.  Savage “He is not a Conservative, he is a Republican”.   He is a Republican, he cares about money – that’s all – that’s his Conservatism – tax cuts, money, and the business establishment.   That explains him bragging on his show about flying to the Domincan Republic… and he “sows his wild oats” and he’s laughing and giggling – that’s not a Conservative.   A Conservative does not go to some third world country to… umm. diplomatically…. with uh… to… satisfy his sen – brag about    so he has been peddling a false bill of goods for years…  for years…. 

So don’t lecture me that somehow..  he’s afraid to attack the homosexual lobby – he’s afraid to attack the radical muslim lobby – he’s afraid to frontally assault the abortion lobby.  He pays lip service to opposing abortion – I don’t see him going to the mat.   So, he’s not a Conservative – he’s a guy who has been living on borrowed time and frankly borrowed talent for years.  He couldn’t shine Dr Savage’s shoes – you want to know my honest opinion, that’s my honest opinion.” 

Jeffrey being the young guy he is, was only a child living in his home country of Canada in the 1980s when Rush was more strident than he is today and is ignorant about Rush Limbaugh.

Some of the things Rush used to do:
– simulate the sounds of an abortion. Callers would call up and he would play the sound of a vaccuum and “abort the caller”. His affiates eventually convinced Premiere to lean on him to stop the bit because it was driving away female listeners
– made fun of Barney Frank (playing his theme song “My Boy Lollipop”) and other gay activists… he explained one day that he was backing away from the gay issue because one of his best friends approached him one day and explained that he was gay and to please think about what he was doing
– Rush used to celebrate “Mary Joe Kopechne Day” each year on July 18th, the anniversary of when “She gave up her life for her country to assure that Ted Kennedy would never become President of the United States”. He stopped that bit when the Kopechne family asked him to stop doing it

One of my largest complaints about Rush is his “playing the middle” with Christians, which is similar to some of the things Kuhner is getting at.

In the 20+ years I’ve listened to him, I can’t remember him once saying “The minister at church on Sunday happened to mention”… or “that reminds me of the story in the Old Testament”… The closest he comes to bringing up religion is he trots out “The 10 commandments has nothing to do with religion”, which clears up any doubt that he is ignorant of the Bible and Christianity. Rush’s religion is Football, and that’s where you find him sitting in the pews each Sunday. [*I am not a Christian]

It’s odd how the “Last Honest Man in Washington” and is a “Conservative Nationalist” is a Canadian, eh?

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2 Responses to Jeffrey Kuhner’s opinion about Rush Limbaugh

  1. Art Stone says:

    “I am not a globalist or a mouthpiece for the Republican Party. ”

    “Jeffrey T. Kuhner is editor of the Ripon Forum magazine ( and communications director at the Ripon Society, a Republican policy institute. ”


    Perhaps he means “I am not currently being paid to be a mouthpiece of the Republican Party”

    From Kuhner’s own writing in that pdf copy of the jounrnal he edited:

    If he is elected, Mr. Kerry will be the first
    protectionist president since Herbert
    Hoover. Although he voted for NAFTA, the
    Democratic nominee says he “regrets” his
    decision and would now vote against it. He
    regards U.S. Trade Representative Robert
    Zoellick as a traitor for negotiating freetrade
    deals. Mr. Kerry vows to impose severe
    environmental standards and labor
    regulations on America’s trading partners.
    This is equivalent to erecting trade barriers
    through the back door. It will also severely
    impoverish the economies of developing
    nations — those we are supposedly trying to
    help. Erecting trade walls will hurt U.S.
    exports and job creation, as well as
    undermine the shaky global economy.

    SERIOUS Liar. Kuhner is a globalist or at least will be if the price is right.

    • briand75 says:

      Amazing. I don’t listen to Savage. He has an annoying lack of knowledge about the world around us and was able to irritate and alienate me very quickly with a very arrogant attitude. I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Mr. What’s-his-name seems to do the same.

      Anyone who thinks Republican and Conservative are the same needs to be a staffer for Harry Reid.

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