100% “spin free” News arrives in Houston


Radio One, the company that employs Al Sharpton for its “urban talk” network has its new non-political no-spin 24 hours a day news station on the air in Houston Texas (KROI-FM)


I’m not sure why, but it took a couple minutes for the stream to start.   Right now, it is carrying Jim Bohannon’s America in the Morning, distributed by Dial Gobal, the company that synidcates the former Mother Jones radio shows of Ed Schultz, Stehpanie Miller, Clark Howard, Neal Boortz, Thom Hartman….

Calling your opinion “no spin” is in itself “spin”.


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3 Responses to 100% “spin free” News arrives in Houston

  1. TheChairman says:

    99% “closet Progressives”.

  2. Did Neal Boortz really have a Mother Jones radio show?

    • Art Stone says:

      Dial One acquired Jones Radio a few years ago. Clark Howard was also their syndication, both originating from Cox’s WSB in Atlanta. Ed Shultz and the others were added after the Dial One acquisition I think. Schultz predated Air America and was never syndicated by them. His show appeared on most of the “Air America” radio stations, which caused confusion.

      You know, now I’m not so sure – nobody challenged that before.

      Jones Radio Network was sold to Triton Media (see: Oaktree Capital) in 2008


      The Jones of Jones Media is Glenn R Jones, a guy heavily involved in Cable TV and other media, including radio.

      About the same time (2005-2007) Mother Jones Radio show was being syndicated on Air America, apparently by Air America itself, not Jones Radio. I can’t tell you now why I thought there was a direct connection. The Jones of Mother Jones was Mary Harris Jones, a labor union activist from no came to the United States from Ireland and was active around the early 1900s

      There probably isn’t any connection either between Mother Jones and Alex Jones 😉

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