The world shrinks some more

So a 9 year old from Scotland started a blog where she chronicled the (mostly miserable) state of the lunches at her government run school, including the hair count.

The local city council was outraged and ordered her to stop taking pictures of her food.

Twitter found out.

The city council just found out how quickly being stupid gets  you worldwide attention.

It’s probably worth noting it is summer.

One person from New Zealand  says “No problem here cause our meals are free – we bring them for home!”   What a concept.

Now just imagine 9 year olds posting pictures of the lunch their Mom packed and putting it onto a blog.


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2 Responses to The world shrinks some more

  1. 3tooz says:

    After doing a 10 yr. stint in pest control, I could tell stories that would drive the city officials here to take thier lunches to work with them from home . . Nah ! Why spoil the fun ? And the 4 or 5 martini lunch.

    • Art Stone says:

      For a while, each morning when I went into work at an unnamed burger place (no longer in business) I couldn’t figure out why each morning a couple of the hamburger buns had defects. Eventually someone noticed the hole in the wall to the outside.

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