Remember Louie Anderson – the whining fat comic you used to see on Johnny Carson?
He has a new show on Talk Radio Network that I just spotted.
It may be a little hard to find – it airs on Saturdays at 7 AM Eastern. The show is refed at 5 PM ET on Sunday.
Move over Rush Limbaugh!
I think Louie Anderson is on ABC’s new celebrity diving show.
Believe it or not, Art, I’m not trying a delayed April Fool’s joke -there really is a celebrity diving show.
I actually saw an ad for that while watching Swapping Wives, and Louie Anderson was on the promo.
Now if we could combine that with poker, we would have something. How about strip poker diving with the stars. You play poker, and the loser has to take off clothing and then jump from the diving board.
I am loving Buck Sexton’s Show on Sat. 12:00 ET on Blaze Radio. He really is good.
Checking now. Thank you for the timely recommendation, Linda S. I hope Buck is going through that Libertarian awakening with Mr Beck. Just hearing now that Buck has John Stossell coming on in a few minutes, so I guess that answers my question.
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I really enjoyed it… and I always got a chuckle whenever me mentioned his byline “Where the Buck Never Stops” lol
Woohoo – I found the show
Apparently Louie shriveled in the swimming pool and decided to skip doing his radio show. Ed Driscoll is filling in talking to another comic about being funny
When I went to add the show, I found out that Louie used to have a radio show called Casino Talk in 2006 on CBS’s FreeFM radio experiment