Remote Control Roaches

Okay, so you hook up this gear, and a cockroach can be steered to navigate through tiny openings in buildings and carry a listening device. The purpose of course is one that nobody could object to – rescuing people in a building collapse – who could possibly object to that? Especially if we’re protecting women and children and puppy dogs?

“Yes your honor – our search of their house without a warrant was not an invasion of privacy – since clearly the interior of their bedroom is a public place, otherwise we could not have gotten in. There is no expectation of privacy in a public place like your home”

Gives a new meaning to “bugging”

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4 Responses to Remote Control Roaches

  1. CC1s121LrBGT says:

    Who’s going to be the first American for the government to charge with assaulting a police officer once these roaches are on the payroll?

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