Jon Stewart on Obamacare
The troubling part is the laugh track. It may be funny if you’re young and don’t actually need health insurance

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20 Responses to Jon Stewart on Obamacare

  1. It is troubling and reassuring at the same time. The Daily Show is regarded as an actual news program by certain people, and this be the first time many of them will hear with some authority that it’s not working. When Jon Stewart turns against you (or, more specifically, when his team of writers do), then you may consider yourself turned against by a substantial arm of the left-wing media.

    It will be interesting to see what Jon Stewart does today, depending on whether he (or his writers, or Comedy Central) got a call last night saying knock it off.

  2. CC1s121LrBGT says:

    Stewart has a way of getting laughs from serious subjects. Everyone needs to laugh, and sometimes the need is the greatest during the middle of a crisis.

  3. Nidster says:

    Sure, everyone needs to laugh at something. The Ruskies, and others had their ‘dark humor’ to keep up their spirit. The Daily Show is not that good, but it’s the best they can muster-up.

  4. Art Stone says:

    Gee, another video pulled from YouTube. Just an isolated incident.

  5. briand75 says:

    Gotta love the Secret Police – they are thorough in removing any anti-Fuhrer from the web.

  6. haiti222 says:

    I am taking a class where students were submitting creative ideas, and we got several about the messed up nature of the “Obamacare” at the present time.

  7. CC1s121LrBGT says:

    “The fact that many current health-care plans do not offer all the benefits required under Obamacare means that many premiums are likely to jump dramatically, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC. ”


    “”Aetna alone will pass through to its customers over $1 billion in taxes and fees associated with the Affordable Care Act that need to go into the pricing,” Bertolini said.”

    “The Aetna chief went on to say increased costs to the plans include new taxes and fee implementations, including new changes in ratings to things such as pre-existing conditions as a result of expanding policy benefit requirements. ”


    • Art Stone says:

      In theory, if you had an individual policy since 2010, it was grandfathered even though it doesn’t conform with ACA. The reality is it is in nobody’s best interest (except the policy holder) to honor that provision. The insurance companies need the low risk, high premium people in the bigger pool. It’s not like anyone has an interest in protecting you, although I heard a bit on the news about some “keep you existing coverage” law. It’s almost November 1st. There are six weeks left to sign up and avoid a gap in coverage. It’s a bit late to be making changes now. I could easily see Aetna and Cigna saying “screw this” and just stop writing health insurance policies.

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