NY Times blows the whistle on Bloomberg

The news is that the top brass has told reporters to spike stories that might make the rulers unhappy, following the practice in effect in the United States since January 2009

Mayor Bloomberg’s tenure as ruler of New York ends January 1st.

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17 Responses to NY Times blows the whistle on Bloomberg

  1. Nidster says:

    The Chinese are ruled by a mafiaso family banking cartel, just as America is ruled by a mafiaso family banking cartel. The article is typical BS by those who suppress the facts. What interest does it serve them to have us connect the dots?

    Who are ‘they’ you ask? It is those who are against us.

    Bloomberg defended their decision by comparing it to ‘so-called’ news organizations afraid of being (fill-in the blank here) because they were Hell-Bent on preserving the Nazi socialist party in Germany, supposedly for the good of all mankind.

    • Art Stone says:

      Bloomberg made his billions basically by legally selling “insider” information. People pay $20,000 per month per terminal for his business news. There is a reason for it – people who pay his fee get access to the stories before the non-subscribers, so the trading desks at the hedge funds and brokerages can unload or buy positions before the general public knows about it. Putting the news “on the wire” protects the firms from claims of insider trading.

      But people are paying for objective news. Their story selection and omission of relevant facts that undermine the narrative are becoming more and more apparent. Back during TARP and the Fed takeover of the commercial paper business, Bloomberg landed some very important contracts to put together trading systems using those Bloomberg terminals. The close cooperation between his business and the technocrats in the Obama administration is pretty blatant.

  2. Parrott says:

    I dislike Bloomberg. I blame him (and that jacklegs senator Mark warner) for giving us carpetbagger Governor here in Virginia. There is a lot of others that deserve some blame to. Its so sad and disheartening to see dufus’s get ahead.
    Bloomberg will be expecting McAuliff to restrict Virginian’s of their second amendment rights. stupidity.
    I am going to have to move to NC as well. I like tobacco.

  3. HPaws says:

    The NYT still refuses to report that Bloomberg spends almost every Fri (eve) Sat and Sun at his house in the Bahamas.

    Is it illegal for an individual to grow tobacco? I understand that the federal commercial allotments for tobacco farming are a nightmare to navigate.

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