Tearing down that cross is a victory for religious liberty – ACLU

It’s looking more and more like the Mount Soledad cross of Jesucristo’s religion in San Diego Clifornia is about to bite the dust


This is a favorite topic of Roger Hedgecock, along with the government tearing down a cross in the desert so inaccessible that the only way you would see it is if you were specifically looking for it.

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9 Responses to Tearing down that cross is a victory for religious liberty – ACLU

  1. prboylan says:

    From the Chicago Times article:
    “The Mount Soledad cross has been the subject of litigation since 1989, when two veterans sued San Diego to get it off city land. In 2006, Congress intervened in the dispute, resulting in the federal government taking ownership of the property.

    A group of plaintiffs, including the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, then sued. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals court ruled that the dominance of the cross conveyed a message of government endorsement of religion.”

    One wonders if there would have been any lawsuits if it had been a huge Star of David instead of a cross. I’m guessing everyone would have been fine with that. 🙁

  2. polokfla says:

    Tearing down a cross that has stood for decades is the issue of the day for some atheists in California? With California Billions in the red, and with millions streaming across their border (most living out of the shadows in sanctuary cities)
    adding billions to the welfare role , contributing almost NOTHING in return, THIS is the issue they are concerned with? A cross? On an obscure Hill? Built as a memorial for War Dead?
    Insanity. Pure and complete insanity. California can not leave this country fast enough!
    But instead of this, they probably will metastasize like a cancer and destroy the rest of us!

  3. Nidster says:

    In my area a church, forgot the name but it is non-denominational, has a 60′ polished aluminum cross about 100′ from the interstate. The base of the cross (and church building) is hidden be a line of trees, but the cross itself can be seen for 1/2 mile or so, even at night since there are several spotlights shining on it. There have been a number of complaints and a lawsuit attempting to have it removed, all failed to have it removed. The cross is situated on the site owned by the church (a corporation). According to the theory of corporate personhood, it has freedom of speech, as do all persons in America.

    • Art Stone says:

      The house I grew up in was about 4 blocks away from a Catholic Church where they pealed the bells to remind the 80 year old ladies that it was time to tell the priest that they lusted after Elvis’s hips and request absolution.

    • Art Stone says:

      In communities with anal retentive planning / land use regulations, cell companies cut deals to put cell phone antennas inside church steeples where people couldn’t see them and being on church property provided some insulation from the local government thugs

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