Rush and the White House Press

During the first hour today, Rush spent a good part of the show talking about the a white House press corps. His revelation is that the press tell the staff what they want to ask questions about, and then the Press Secretary calls on the people who will ask the questions they want to talk about.

I’m shocked, I tell you.

Since this is exactly how Rush’s show operates. He has a list of topics he wants to talk about and the only people who get on the air are people who will ask the prescreened question Rush wanted to talk about.

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7 Responses to Rush and the White House Press

  1. Nidster says:

    I like it when a talk show host scripts his radio program. I do not listen to the hosts who ramble all over the place with no semblance of making a greater point.

    Rush is talking about Putin’s desire to grab Crimea in order to exert control over the gas/oil pipelines that run through Crimea. Of course he then goes on to beat the Global Warming wackos over the head, once again. Rush could have actually picked up on the most important reason Putin (Russia) needs to grab control of the energy market going into Europe, which is the Russian oligarchs controlling the energy sectors owe the Western Banksters a huge amount of money, 700 billion by some estimates, and are in danger of going bankrupt if the loans are not extended. Now, at some point Putin (Russia) could then demand all oil/gas purchase must be made in rubles and/or gold. See where this is going?

    The Criminally Insane Regime, whether by design or not, is actually doing the very thing the BRICSA nations want them to do, which is to get the world to isolate America and then they can retch monetary control over the world away from the Western Banksters. Hey, it is headed that way, and the Plan goes very deep.

    • Art Stone says:

      What I like even less are the people (like Greg Knapp last night filling in for Savage) who just read topics from Drudge Report. When nobody calls after 5 minutes to discuss the things they read online 10 hours ago, they move to the next item on Drudge.

      • Nidster says:

        What I like even less is the Criminally Insane Regime doing the very thing the BRICSA nations want them to do, which is to get the world to isolate America and then they can wretch monetary control over the world away from the Western Banksters.

        Hey, we need to consider our ObamaCare coverage and Social Security payments into the mix.

  2. jackkeats says:

    To get back to the topic, it’s the Rush Limbaugh PROGRAM, and he makes no pretense of being a journalist. Aamof, I hear him all the time talk about entertainment value. Need we discuss the real need for the press to actually get to the bottom of the pile of disinformation being shoveled out of the white house daily to bury what they don’t want known? In that respect, Rush brings to light daily quite a bit more grist than my mill can handle or than I ever get from Pravda.

  3. Yes, and if Rush ever becomes president, he will certainly know that you don’t do things the same way when you’re president as you do when you’re a talk show host!

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