What’s wrong with this picture?


Up is down. Slavery is freedom.

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6 Responses to What’s wrong with this picture?

  1. foyle says:

    Double plus good. The chocolate ration has increased.

    2+2=5 my friend.

    • Art Stone says:

      I don’t know if you’ve heard yet, but there is a 1 million ton shortfall in cocoa production – partly because of Ebola in West Africa, and partly because demand in Asia has picked up. South American jungles are being cleared to try to fill the supply shortage? Don’t panic!

  2. briand75 says:

    Isn’t that just the way – the economy is booming and those heartless capitalists are laying people off. Why, if I were Harry Reid, I would call them names and give them “what for”.

    The first sign of economic recovery: massive layoffs and store closings.

  3. TheChairman says:

    I’m not convinced Reid hurt himself. ‘Face and ribs’ reveals a bit more about whom he may be dealing with (or answering to): “What happens in ‘Vegas, stays in ‘Vegas… ya got that Harry?!”

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