Expect outages this weekend

This weekend, the plan is to migrate the web server from Fedora 20 to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Ubuntu is working very well on the test machine, while Fedora has already slipped into unsupported mode, which is not acceptable. Ubuntu comes with a 5 year guarantee of support, applying critical security patches (Called Backporting) even though the OS is deliberately kept stable (LTS = Long Term Support). It also frees the software from the God awful Systemd and Journalctl.

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5 Responses to Expect outages this weekend

  1. Art Stone says:

    The bulk of the transition is complete – there are some loose ends, but it will probably stay on Ubuntu


  2. RebelSansClue says:

    Thank goodness for Linux. I used Mandriva back when it existed. May try Mint as my next OS.

  3. Parrott says:

    Cool, I use Ubuntu also . ( I am on 7 now for work)
    have a good one

  4. Art Stone says:

    Everything seems okay at this point. I reworked a few things like using fuse-zip to relative little benefit. The raid SSD is so fast, very little matters. 10 years ago, I was paying $400 a month for a system not 1% the capability of the $20 linode.

    Linode’s customers seem a whiney bunch. They sit around running benchmarks on shared hardware then complain they see a little bit of throttling

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