The face of the “right wing” in Norway

Siv Jerson, leader of Norway's Progress Party

Meet Siv Jenson, the leader of the Progress party – the political movement in Norway so toxic that no party wants to have them in their ruling coalition, despite being the 2nd largest political party in the country.

The shooter in Norway was at least at one time a member of this party, and is consistent with his personal narrative.   So what does this “Neo-Nazi right wing extremist party” headed by a woman believe in?

– improving working conditions for teachers
– strong family ties are the basis of all successful societies
– spending the government oil money to take care of old people
– it’s founder was part of the anti-Nazi Resistance movement during world war II
– they’re libertarians and want lower taxes and less government
– concern that Islam is trying to take over Norway’s culture through lax immigration rules   (Norway is NOT a member of the EU)
– it strongly supports Israel

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