What if the economy recovers before November?

I have a decades long conspiracy theory that global bankers use their powers over finance to manipulate the results of US Elections to those they perceive as comfortable with European socialism – when it looks like a Republican may win (or is seeking reelection), they work to tank the U.S. economy and when a Democrat is running for reelection, they use their influence to pump up the U.S. economy.

Bringing this up today is based on two things – first is the announcement that Chrysler is rehiring a third shift at its Detroit assembly plant on Jefferson Avenue…  (which is now controlled by Fiat and President Obama has made it the poster child for his stimulus program) and comments from an analyst from Deutsche Bank (the Bank of Germany) on the significance of the drop in unemployment and the apparent turnaround of the U.S. economy.   Deutsche Bank and Credit Suiise have deep roots in the United States financial services industry and politics.

So what happens if by the time most people start to care about elections, unemployment is below 7% and things look very promising that things have hit bottom and are coming back?

Republicans (and almost everyone in talk radio) has been pounding the economy issue constantly.   What happens then?    Republicans rooting for the economy to fail and stay in a recession is not a winning strategy.   If the economy is no longer an issue, what is it that will sweep a huge Conservative Republican majority into office in 2012?    The opposition to Obamacare is losing traction as people learn it will give them free stuff (or so they think).  What else is on the list?   Obama killed Bin Laden, he brought the troops home from Iraq, he killed Qadaffi, he’s talking tough about Iran and Syria.

“God wrote the Constitution and I’m on God’s team and Progressives are the spawn of Satan” is not a political platform.   Putting prayer and Bible reading back in public school, and banning the teaching of Evolution are ideas that most of the country left behind in the 1960s (except apparently in Texas)

Wrapping the election around “God loves our candidate more” is inviting a replay of the 1964 election and then some.   Choosing Barry “Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice” Goldwater resulted in not only him losing, but the Democrats picking up 37 House seats and 2 Senators – and maybe more importantly, permanently alienated the black voters of the South who had been mostly Conservative Republicans since Reconstruction.

Bachmann, Perry and Santorum are popular among most talk radio hosts, who are almost completely talking only to 50+ white males who identify themselves as Conservative Christians.    That’s a very small portion of the voting public.   Chase the RINOs out of the party and President Obama will have a supermajority leaving Republicans unable to stop anything he wants to do in the next four years, perhaps up to and including new Constitutional amendments.

The people around Obama are not stupid and they are thinking about 10 moves ahead.  Republicans and many of the syndicated talk show hosts are stoking the energy behind a circular firing squad and the media are prodding the participants to pull the triggers.

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5 Responses to What if the economy recovers before November?

  1. Parrott says:

    Yeah, I generally agree with your theory Art. I always thought that Bill clinky & Big Hillary had nothing to do with the economy being so resilient on the 90’s. It grew and was strong enough, in spite of Bill & Hill and Nancy to overcome their incessant raising of taxes, even though they masked it as revenue reform.
    2000-2010 seems like a lost decade. 401k didn’t do much overall. 2012 is like more of the same.
    So many billions of dollars are being shoveled into treasury bonds with little chance of a positive yield. Hell these countries and bilderburger types are buying treasuries in the U.S. , Germany and Switzerland just to save wealth and capital cause they know the Euro is about to crash and burn and will take everything with it.
    If that happens, no about of fairy dust or Unicorns crapping Skittles will save obama and Biden.
    I think that’s why Ron Paul is popular, even with his wacko foreign policy and free Love and drugs. He wants to fix the economy, and some people are realizing that more Dems and republicans is going to just give us another 15 trillion in debt and nothing to show for it but a underclass we’re dragging along since 1964.
    Not much left, for the ‘SNAPs cards to take from us anymore. Check out the debt clock.

  2. Parrott says:

    It won’t recover before November. The Euro is starting to list, and down grades occurred Friday the 13th. Only Germany, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands stayed the same. Estonia and Ireland are not AAA rated.
    Meanwhile: HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WAVY) – The company that owns Food Lion, Bloom, and Bottom Dollar announced that it will be closing 126 stores nationwide, including four Bottom Dollar Food stores in Hampton Roads.
    The parent company, Delhaize America, announced that all affected stores will close within 30 days. The closures will affect about 4,900 workers across the country.

    Hmmm? Could it be —>Bain capital had something to do with this?
    according to Newt,,, Yes!

    • Art Stone says:

      Since you already know too much about me…. 🙂

      The college I attended was located in the home town of what was then called Food Town, and had a fairly close relationship with the school. I interviewed with them and almost went to work for them (if they had offered me a job :))… they changed their name a few years later to Food Lion – Food Town was too generic and ran into trademark conflicts as they spread out beyond North Carolina. The signs over the store were block letters, so they tried to choose a name that would mean replacing the fewest number of letters from
      [F][O][O][D] [T][O][W][N]
      [F][O][O][D] [L][I][O][N]

      The place was run by a guy named Ralph Ketner who owned most of the town and gave a lot of money to the college. Even back then (1976), he had already sold out to the Europeans. Many of the supermarket chains have long been owned by Europeans.

      Another big chain in North Carolina is Bi-Lo – their gimmick was by the door, they had a policeman sitting up above the checkouts with a shotgun, just in case. Bi-Lo just purchased Winn-Dixie, another long standing major supermarket chain in the South. Winn Dixie went through Chapter 11 in 2006.

      Walmart continues to roll over the competition – that isn’t Bain Capital, it’s Bill and Hillary’s friends from Arkansas 🙂

  3. foyle says:

    Since Food Town/Lion is based in Salisbury, NC I am guessing you attended Catawba College?

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