OMG, the government is going to force you to be RFID’ed because of Obamacare!

Heard from a guest on the Laurie Roth show – one of the typical “right wing” “Christian” shows that think President Obama is Satan

It isn’t true (at least the Obamacare part)

The “Page 1001” referenced was in one version of the bill that was never passed.   It would have required the government to build a database containing the serials numbers of implanted devices (like heart pacemakers, implanted insulin pumps, etc…) to facilitate tracking patterns of whether the devices are working properly.   It had nothing to do with “forced RFID implants”.

When I received my cataract lens implant in 1995, immediately after the surgery, my doctor took the picture of himself standing next to me with the patch over my eye, and handed me a plastic card with the serial number of that implant and the picture.

Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the atheist who people (incorrectly) associate with the “ban” of prayers and bible reading in public school vanished in 1995 and was  murdered by her office manager.  The remains of her body were found in Texas six years after she was murdered chopped into small pieces.   Her remains were positively identified because of the serial number on her artificial hip.

There is no doubt at all in my mind that “Obamacare” is here to stay, no matter who wins the election in November.   There is no way that Mitt Romney is going to have the critical mass to sweep the US Senate to a 60 vote Republican majority with the Democrats having a $1 billion advertising war chest and effective control of almost all sources of information.

Even as popular as Ronald Reagan was, he never got 60 Senate votes and it wasn’t until Newt in 1994 (with Rush Limbaugh’s help) that the Republicans gained control of the House.    

Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan.   None of the candidates are.

Republican Senators in US Senate / President by election:

1976 – 37 – Jimmy Carter
1978 – 41 – Jimmy Carter
1980 – 53  – Reagan
1982 – 54  – Reagan
1984 – 53 – Reagan
1986 – 45 – Reagan
1988 – 45 – George HW Bush
1990 – 44 – George HW Bush
1992 – 43  – Bil & Hillary Clinton
1994 – 52 – Clintons
1996 – 55 – Clintons
1998 – 55 – Clintons
2000 – 55 – George W Bush
2002 – 51 – George W Bush
2004 – 55 – George W Bush
2006 – 49 – George W Bush
2008 – 41 – Barack Obama
2010 – 47  Barack Obama

Assuming Mitt Romney is elected and Republicans retain control of the House, and the Republicans aren’t willing to deploy the “nuclear option” to destroy the filibuster rule in the Senate – any bill started in the House to try to “repeal” the “Obamacare” act would require 60 Senate votes to invoke “cloture” to end debate and allow a vote on the repeal.   Changing the rules of the Senate (like Cloture) require a 2/3 vote  (67 votes).   The nuclear option would be to modify the rules about how you modify the standing rules to not require 2/3 vote.    Interestingly, the Cloture rule to limit debate was created during the reign of Woodrow Wilson, who was unable to get things he wanted passed, so it was devised to force the Senate to vote if 2/3 of the Senate wanted to end the debate.   (later lowered to 3/5)

Defunding Obamacare has little to do with “killing” it – since most of the burden  and costs of implementing the rules fall on insurance companies, employers and state governments.   With a sympathetic court system, the best Republicans can hope to do is put boundaries around the worst parts of it.

“Right Wing” “Christian” people circulating blatantly wrong information to get people angry and wrapping it inside a “Christian” wrapper are not doing anything positive if repeal is the actual goal.   By next year, Obamacare will be so embedded in the Health Care System that even if the law were repealed, the changes people have already made won’t easily go away.   That’s exactly how it designed to take root, building a new group of people who would oppose the repeal.  Obama’s “friends” are not stupid.


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6 Responses to OMG, the government is going to force you to be RFID’ed because of Obamacare!

  1. jackkeats says:

    I agree about the Democrat minority, but this thing is so universally unpopular they may not vote as a block regarding cloture. We can always hope.
    In any event, the only way the ‘no preexisting condition’ provision that bankrupts the insurance industry works is with a universal mandate, which taxes us ALL for 1/6th of the new welfare state economy. Unless there are waivers, which go through Congress.
    If there are no waivers, everyone feels the pain, and bye-bye ObamaCare. 🙂
    Or the Courts rule it unconstitutional.
    Many paths…
    Oh, who is John Galt anyway?

    • Art Stone says:

      I see a very clear path ahead. I’m sure you are following the Supreme Court stuff.

      The argument seems to be framed, in part as “Is it a tax or isn’t it”, rather than the fundamental concept of what the limits of the 10th amendment are.

      I think it’s Beck or Rush – has said all along (but not recently) that Obamacare is designed to fail. It puts private insurance in an unsustainable business model. Infinite unlimited coverage of preexisting conditions with state control over permitted premiums. Nobody is going to play on that field for long – except United HaalthCare.

      If the SCOTUS says “Okay, the mandate is wrong, but everything else is OK”, then the insurance companies are in the position of being requited to sell hurricance insurance the day after the hurricane hits. Without compulsory participation and universal eligibility, the most clever person in the world can’t make that work.

      If the entire law stands as written, then about 2016 the thing will fall of its own weight, and United Healthcare is there to just become the single payer system with heavy government subsidy.

      The 60 vote cloture thing only matters if Obama is not reelected. If he wins, then it will take 67 votes for the senate to pass anything over his veto (not that he still won’t ignore the law and do whatever he wants)

      I don’t think there is any doubt left that racial conflict is going to be a key aspect of this election year. I would like to be a fly on the wall at the DNC as they’re talking about this. Do you get the Commnisty burning down the cities this summer? The result could be total racial polarization with even liberal whites fleeing from Obama…. or maybe it just scares the “moderates” away from the White Guy hoping that Louis Farrakhan and Bobby Rush and the New Black Panther Party are just saying stuff they don’t mean about “Not following the White Man’s Law”, etc…. and all this ugly stuff just goes away if you give the hoods what they want

  2. Parrott says:

    John Galt FLA is “predicting that before the summer is out, when gas prices top $4.50 per gallon, Obama will issue an Executive Order to add a $40 per month gasoline purchase subsidy to selected Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards based on income and zip code.
    Because after all, some areas and zip codes are suffering more from gasoline prices skyrocketing than others.
    And the logical conclusion of course is that Obama needs to buy votes ahead of the November election. If prices don’t drop significantly by late summer, that person will have to do something dramatic to ensure his reelection. Adding a “gas allotment” to the EBT cards would certainly be one way of doing it, along with a voucher for a 40 oz a day… ”

    So keep on working people, Gov’t needs that tax dollars

    • Art Stone says:

      There is a grocery store here, part of a regional chain that used to be price competitive with Walmart. It was not a pretty store, they didn’t have scanners, didn’t accept credit cards. The employees were typical of the community – not well educated, many of Eastern European background but hard working.

      About two years ago, they decided to get up to speed. Hooked up the bar code scanners, remodeled the store with the latest supermarket research, sold Frito-Lay 2/3 of the shelf space that used to have the smaller local brands. Prices went up and were at least as high as the overpriced store across the street. Even so, inside the store they claimed to be a “low cost” store.

      I believe probably the motivation was to be able to accept those electronic food stamp cards. Once people aren’t paying cash, they don’t care about the prices quite so much.

      The store is closing permanently in a few days, being torn down to be replaced by yet another Walgreens (there is a CVS less than a block away). The good news from the perspective of the local media is the laundromat in the strip mall nearby won’t be closing.

  3. Parrott says:

    That’s a bummer art. You can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting a CVS or a wal-greens.
    ALL of the independent drug stores and grocery stores have been gone for so long.
    LOL everyone needs a abandoned strip mall with a laundromat. Most of the abandoned strip malls around here usually have a mexican restaurant. LOL
    Local news has so down graded. I think the previous generation has retired or something.

    • Art Stone says:

      Well, this is a peculiar operation. It’s funded by a grant from the foundation set up by Knight Ridder. They have maybe 3 people working there and no advertisements. It’s online-only as far as I know.

      They are consistently anti-development and anti-business (which is not out of sync with the community).

      The obvious lesson to be learned here – the City of Derby has thrown millions of dollars at tearing down an old industrial area along the river for “redevelopment” then loaded it up will all kinds of conditions – it can’t be used for housing (we don’t want no new children in the schools), it can’t have “Box Stores” or “Big Chain restaurants” and they have fantasies that some high status tenant will want to move in (Lord & Taylor?) when the area is full of unemployed people living on social services and retired people who hate children. They’ve been dancing with a “developer” from California who keeps saying he is really really close to having tenants, but never quite gets there.

      This development just came out of the blue. The bowling alley next door closed about 6 months ago and several restaurants down the street have been struggling. It’s a somewhat less than ideal place as Route 8 which runs by has ramps from the South but not to/from the North, making it hard to get to except via local streets. The zoning board rushed through the approval without barely a peep, extremely atypical. Either someone has a lot of clout or someone knew whose hands to grease.

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