Meet Dana Loesch

Someone the other day wished Dana Loesch would be syndicated. You just got your wish.

The Dana Show will by syndicated by Radio America from 1-4 PM weekdays starting January 27th. That suggests she will be displacing Dr Joy Browne and Ray Lucia.

Dana is an attractive young (35) woman from the Midwest currently heard on Emmis stations KFTK-FM in Saint Louis and WIBC-FM in Indianapolis. She is similar to Dennis Miller in that she was a liberal who “woke up” on 9/11, but without the baggage of wanting to stay friends with Hollywood. She had been involved with Breitbart and just started doing a one hour show on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze on Friday afternoon and writes for the Blaze web site.

This has potential but won’t be easy – the challenges include
– Emmis doesn’t have critical mass like Cumulus or Clear Channel on its own stations
– Radio America can’t leverage its lineup. Premiere can say “if you want Rush, you have to take Hannity”. If RA said “if you want Roger Hedgecock, you have to take Dana”, program directors would break out laughing. It also means RA isn’t visible to national advertisers
– starting at 1 PM and finish at 4 PM pretty much rules out the show being carried live. Rush affiliates can’t (and won’t) switch away from Rush after the first hour. If a station has Hannity or Savage but not Rush, they’ll have to leave after the first two hours. The most likely affiliate prospects are those currently carrying Clark Howard or Dave Ramsey.
– the track record of Conservative women in political talk radio is not good. Laura Ingraham is the one notable exception.

You can stream her now on her local show (WIBC carries two hours in the evening). Part of her learning curve will be that national radio is different than just putting your local show on the satellite. The show clock constrains the content and none of us know (or care) who the mayor of Saint Louis is.

Geraldo has the opposite problem. He’s now doing a “local” show on WABC in New York but can’t stop himself from talking only about national issues. Talk about the latest show opening on Broadway or interview the borough president of Staten Islnd, not some guy in Indiana shooting a clerk at a grocery store.

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27 Responses to Meet Dana Loesch

  1. Parrott says:

    I would like to meet Jedediah Bila.


  2. polokfla says:

    What I do (probably along with many others) is use the daily podcast feature on the St. Louis station to hear her show. The podcast is up about 10 minutes after the show ends-and it cuts out commercials. Tivo for radio.
    She is good enough to take off and her new association with “The Blaze”,Glen Beck’s network, can not hurt, but to subscribe to her Beck and Wilcow is about 100/yr.. (She has just moved her family to Tx. ,home of Glen’s network) and is also on Fox a lot.
    She rarely did talk much about local issues, but does get sidetracked into non-political stuff-which can be refreshing sometimes..
    Love her and Laura and Tammy Bruce-all are good at what they do.

  3. Nidster says:

    WIBC recently implemented a new feature in order to listen to their Liquid Compass internet stream. They would like to ‘like’ your location and the stream is restricted to certain geographic regions, although I do not see which regions are allowed, or not allowed. If one refuses to allow them to ‘like’ you, it may render the station’s content “UNAVAILABLE”. Anyway, I figure they just need to keep out the riff-raff.
    So, I suppose it was OK for me to Accept.

    As a nice feature they provide hourly podcasts of Dana’s show, for free.

    BTW, Dana could not become a member of the National Association for Ugly Gals.

    • Art Stone says:

      Emmis is not fond of streaming, so that isn’t shocking. Emmis is the folks who wanted the government to force all cell phones to add support for over the air FM tuners. They’re right in the middle of yet another battle between the guy who founded it and the stockholders who thought buying stock meant they get a voice in decisions.

    • Parrott says:

      I use to like the Liquid compass streaming App. ( Can I call it a app even though it’s on a PC ?)
      Then they continued to add crap, and now some stations will not even load cause they are trying to load cookies and analytics, and 4 cent links. stupid. They are trying to plant rogue programs in the back ground on your computer,,,,,,,
      whoops , I say that out loud?
      poor oL liquid compass

      • Art Stone says:

        Yesterday, I was hoping to fix/improve my tool that automatically extracts the stations and times from an affiliate list. I had tried to use it a day or two earlier on the Motley Fool web site and it died after extracting three stations (who knew Motley Fool was still around? They were on AOL in the 1990s leading the hype of the bubble). When I redid the extract yesterday, so I could fix it, I got an empty page, despite being able to see the page in my browser.

        It took some tweaking to figure out why, but eventually it coughed up that the server realized I wasn’t a human and refused to send the page – it’s the same software that Cumulus is using that constantly demands to prove I’m human.

        The effect is Motley Fool’s show now has only 1 verified affiliate (that I already had).

        I sense we are getting pretty close to making it a crime to access a public web site without permission.

        • CC1s121LrBGT says:

          How much longer until we need to upload a copy of our driver’s license to register to legally use the site? …but still a crime to ask for ID in order to reelect the crooks.

  4. Nidster says:

    After listening, researching and getting to know a little bit about Dana Loesch I’m impressed with her intelligence, wit, humor, youth and wholesome charm. Most impressive was her demeanor on Piers Morgan’s CNN show 236 days after he had imposed a ‘ban’ on allowing Dana any further appearances after a heated Twitter exchange between the two personalities. Speculation by POLITICO regarding why the ban was lifted claims it apparently came about because Glenn Beck’s producer is a friend of Piers’ TV show producer. All that said, let me get to the reason why I am liking Dana so much, review how Dana conducted herself, and see if there is anything else to learn.

    Piers starts the program by asking his three guests, Dana, Ryan Lizza, and Marc Lamont Hill about the left’s witch hunt [my words not Piers’] against Gov Chris Christie and would BridgeGate be the undoing of Christie’s quest for the world’s most powerful office, POTUS. Piers allowed both men to go first before asking Dana to respond to a Tweet she made about the Christie scandal where she is planting the idea about “the startling difference” between the media’s handling of BridgeGate and the NSA, IRS and Benghazi scandals. Marc Lamont Hill ultimately interrupts Dana’s analysis and blurts out that Conservatives have a “verbal tick” with regard to Ben Ghazi, but Dana nails him to the wall by saying, “You call four dead Americans a
    verbal tick?”.

    Finally, Piers shushes Marc down by saying, “Hang on, Marc, let me say something. I actually think Dana raises a very, [a] perfectly relevant point, which is, I think there is a hypocrisy there. Having lived through these three other scandals that she cited, I do remember the way the Democrats behaved over that, and now suddenly it looks like it’s a different criteria.”

    Well that changed the tone of the debate, and it looks as if Piers ended the ban against Dana because he agrees with her analysis. I do not watch these programs very often but when was the last time anyone heard of a liberal host bringing on a conservative because they agree with their ideas, and appearing to not be a sycophant lap-dog of the Democrats? Unlike Ann Coulter, Dana Loesch is calm and relaxed. She effectively made her point and was likable.

    Take a look for yourselves.

    • Art Stone says:

      I’m certainly open to new voices. She apparently was involved with the TEA party from the start and I have general compatibility with the Midwest way if thinking.

      Radio America is owned by a 401(c)(3) set up to promote public awareness about issues facing veterans. I haven’t listened to her enough to know if she belongs to the “it isn’t possible to spend too much money on the military” club. It’s hard to say the government needs to cut spending then say the US military should be increased since the whole world wants us defending them.

    • Art Stone says:

      Heading on a different tangent – how important is physical appearance to talk radio hosts? The line used to be “he has a face for radio”. Radio people showed up for work in t-shirts and jeans. Nobody knew or cared.

      I’m hard pressed to come up with the name of a syndicated radio host who doesn’t either stream their radio show or appear frequently on cable TV. Radio is not TV without the picture. We can’t see your face, we can’t see the gestures you made with your hand, we can’t see the TV video you’re looking at. TV is output only – it doesn’t work as a way for people to call in. Radio increasingly is lecture the listener instead of host listening to the audience…

      • Nidster says:

        I think physical appearance is increasingly important. I did look at Dana’s site where she has a lot of photos of events she attends. Most of them are other people in more casual dress, as is Dana in most photos. I did notice she wore a dress in a few photos that show a lot of her thighs. She is attractive from my perspective in a wholesome sort of way.

        I have not listened to enough of her broadcasts to form a firm impression of her overall political view. I detect a general conservatism and libertarianism blend. She comments, or lectures, on different side topics then the other well known commentators.

        She has picked up a story where St Louis based NewsChannel 5, did “an undercover television news story to test security in 5 local schools that triggered a lockdown last Thursday at Kirkwood High school.” The school officials became alarmed by the action of the undercover reporter and they initiated the lockdown that angered some parents, scared the students, and raised questions about media ethics.

        Her blog also picked up a story where New York lawbreakers are proposing MANDATORY psych evaluations for all students. That story followed the previous days story about the White House expanding the scope of mental health with a particular emphasis on giving government “entities an express permission to submit to the background check system the limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands.” – See more at:

        She is picking up stories you would not normally hear out of the mouths of some talk show hosts. So, my guess is the mentally ill leadership of America seeks to redefine what it is to really be mentally ill, you know the topics about anyone who wants the Constitution upheld, or to stop the explosive growth of redistributing taxpayer’s income, or to have the Department of Justice enforce the law against the gun runners who hand out assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

    • Nidster says:

      My internet connection out here in the backcountry can be a PIA to get video to play. I have to resort to downloading it using a program, JDownloader. I tried about 5 times or so to get this, and each time something goes wrong or the file gets corrupted. I did manage to watch a couple of minutes before it stopped playing. I only have that problem with YouTube vids, over at Vimeo everything goes smoothly.

      • Art Stone says:

        Demand net neutrality!

        • Nidster says:

          No kidding! Just got the word on how things could start going downhill at a faster pace than ever before.

          • Art Stone says:

            For what it’s worth, I’m having performance issues with YouTube as well. It may just be my iDevices are too underpowered, but it takes a long time to start them.

            Back when I was in CT on AT&T, they would often die in the middle. No amount of stopping and starting would make it finish.

            The iPad 1 still has the original YouTube app that still nominally works. It can’t upgrade to IOS 6 which is when Apple started deleting Google’s apps.

        • CC1s121LrBGT says:

          If I had an opinion on this, I would not be neutral.

          Actually I do have an opinion and it is pro-neutrality- most towns only license 1 or 2 ISPs to run service to your house. Where the government prevents competition (creates monopolies) the monopoly should not have the power to carry only the content it wants.

          • Art Stone says:

            Wireless changes all the rules.

            The worst case used to be where the local phone company was a co-op – when telecom was deregulated, local competition was only required from the former bell companies.

            Folks like Covad made a niche by renting copper and being your ISP, but quickly realized residential DSL had no business model that made sense – the copper rent was more thn the phone company charged for its own dsl

            But with wireless, especially LTE, the cell tower might be 15 miles away in a rural area. No wires inside the city, no phone poles to regulate – just radio waves floating though the air.

      • CC1s121LrBGT says:

        If you use the free Firefox browser, there are many free plug-ins that let you download and save youtube videos- that might be just what you need if it takes your ISP 10 minutes to send you a 5 minute long video.

        • Nidster says:

          The speed varies. Often I have to do an action restart of JDownloader because it loses connection, although I can see the connected points. Sometimes it will stop short of downloading the last .01 MB of data, or the data is corrupted. Frustrating. As I said above, Vimeo is far superior, everything downloads like an hot knife going through soft butter.

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