Who’s yer daddy?

Sex and science expert Rush Limbaugh is going on and on about this upset parent in Romulus Michigan offended by a biology homework question concerning how blood types are inherited.

The hypothetical mother provides 4 hypothetical fathers and then asks why the state took her baby away.

With only that information, the answer is obvious without even seeing the question and answers, but here goes


The “DNA blood test” is just looking at rH factors – O, A, B or AB

You inherit one factor from each parent. The question even gives a hint.

Mom is type O, the baby is AB. Conclusion: the baby is not her child. That’s why it was taken away by the State.

Rush should stick to football.

Or give us details about Mel Reynolds being arrested in Zimbabwe.

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5 Responses to Who’s yer daddy?

  1. Art Stone says:

    Expanding on this a bit – 9th grade biology class (at least for me) was sex education class. The logical reason for explaining Rh factor is if Mom is Rh negative and Dad is Rh Positive, any of the baby’s blood leaking into the mother’s blood stream sets off a reaction where the mother’s defenses will start fighting off the child and harm or potentially kill it.

    The way the question was worded WAS designed to provoke a reaction. The whole global warming thing points out that many people misuse what they call science. In the scientific method, you don’t start with your preconceived idea, then search for the evidence that supports your idea.

    The ultimate answer to the question had nothing to do with the occupation of the men, who had sex with whom and when, why “the government” took her baby away. Those were deliberate distractions. Education today focuses on how to think through a new situation, not memorizing information. This is biology course, not a course on religion or morality.

    The only mistake I see here was the apology. There was no need for it.

  2. briand75 says:

    Just a minor clarification – Rh factor refers most commonly to the D antigen as the presence of this antigen can lead to issues with a fetus. The A/B/AB/O are all blood types defined in the ABO blood type. I am not knowledgeable about blood types except that they are exclusive – you can’t transfuse A blood to B blood. I believe when you read or hear B+ or A- that this refers to the Rh factor (the presence of the D antigen on the blood cells). So that’s my mindless trivia for the day.

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