My day at the phlebotomist

Not that anyone cares, but I had a mostly positive day, other than the main event. The doctor’s helper and I started bonding right away – I was concerned about sepsis from my tooth problem. She immediately lit up – she spent 6 months in the hospital after almost dying, so she “got it” right away.

After I saw the doctor who focused on the wrong problem (didn’t even take my temperature or palpate my lymph nodes or look in my ear to see the bulging ear drum his aide had seen, it was off to the phlebotomist to draw blood for routine blood work.

The woman drawing the blood was a somewhat thin black woman. Making idle chatter, she asked what I did, and I mentioned I had worked for NASDAQ and she lit up like a Christmas tree. We started talking about Greece and current events and she was extremely well informed. She also doesn’t watch TV. She went on to tell me she was a foster child who had been raised by a woman from Cuba, who took no crap. She was going to get an education and that was that. The woman says she reads the Wall Street Journal when she has access to it. Unfortunately, she is married ?, but it did give me hope there are still people who care.

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One Response to My day at the phlebotomist

  1. RebelSansClue says:

    Yep. They’re out there. You just have to look harder for them than you had to in years past.

    Thanks again for your entertaining blog and for allowing me to find all my favorite talk shows quickly and easily. Don’t know what I’d do without it.

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