Kasich claims victory in Indiana

Washington Post coverage

You might be thinking – but Indiana’s primary isn’t until May 3rd (2 weeks from now). On a par with Colorado, Indiana has screwed up. Because the national convention was pushed earlier to avoid the Olympics (America loves Sports!), Indiana chose its national convention delegates on Saturday – BEFORE the primary. Kasich claims that he has locked up a majority of those delegates, which is probably true – since Indiana is quite similar to Ohio. The delegates are still bound to the winner on the first ballot, but not on the second.

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5 Responses to Kasich claims victory in Indiana

  1. briand75 says:

    Kasich – my Governor. An interesting study. Ostensibly, he is humble and is heads-down at work – or has been here in Ohio. Maybe his success in righting the ship here made his head swell. As of today, Kasich seems very greedy and ambitious. I think he even put out an ad that said “I will leave Cleveland as the nominee.” Really? Does John know something I don’t? The Kasich we know is not the one we see on the Campaign Trail. I am not sure what happened to him. I do know that if he somehow leaves Cleveland as the nominee, I won’t vote at all.

    • Fred Stiening says:

      If he is right, I wonder how he will hold up in the general election. He’s had relatively little scrutiny or polling since the perception is he doesn’t have a chance. My main memory of the debates was he generally showed contempt for the theatrics of Trump and Cruz. He at the same time opposes military intervention in the Middle East, but wants to send troops to destroy ISIS.

      I don’t have the sense that Romney, Sheldon Adelson, or the big players are looking to slip in Kasich. He would be very vulnerable to attacks if Trump goes third party. Playing defense in the 4th quarter when you are behind rarely wins.

  2. JayMar says:

    I cannot stand Kasich. His facial tic makes me nervous. It just gives me the impression of a very insecure man, a man overcompensating to hide his true self. I can only imagine President Kasich…”My fellow Americans (tic), It is my (tic) pleasure to announce (tic)…blah blah blah.” To me it’s reminiscent of Dubyah’s stupid grin.

    Of course, that is just my overactive imagination…he would never win.

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