The Big Mo

Donald Trump is going to win all five primaries in New England with 60%+ of the Republican vote. He’s 20% ahead of Cruz in California, which means he’ll win most of the delegates there.

Meghan McCain today announced she has grown weary of fighting Trump.

It’s really time to ask the question – “Is it time for Ted Cruz to end his campaign?” Being a spoiler has no upside. Kasich signing on to block Trump lasted about 10 minutes, and may explain what happened today. Supporting Trump closes the door on any last minute Romney alternative.

Perhaps the Republicans can toss Cruz a fish with a better Senate committeeship – perhaps McCain can announce he is retiring and turn over the Armed Services Chairmanship so Cruz can order the generals to carpet bomb ISIS.

If Cruz quits now, there will be no second ballot. Republicans who can’t support Trump can either suck it up for the “good of the party” or cancel their reservations in Cleveland, so the Convention is an orderly love fest of Trump unity.

Once Trump is “locked in”, I still expect the media, foreign influence peddlers, Mexican drug gangs, race hustlers and the like to open up the opposition research files and try to push Trump overboard. If they do, the Vice President choice becomes very important.

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9 Responses to The Big Mo

  1. CC1s121LrBGT says:

    > Once Trump is “locked in”, I still expect the media, foreign influence peddlers,
    > Mexican drug gangs, race hustlers and the like to open up the opposition research files
    > and try to push Trump overboard. If they do, the Vice President choice becomes very
    > important.

    Trump may be pushed overboard but so long as he is floating or breathing, he will not give up. He has been in the media for 30+ years. Not much is unknown about him. I believe that Kasich and Cruz supporters voted for Trump in the 5 northeast states today because they prefer Trump over the dirty tricks that loser Romney was trying to pull.

  2. briand75 says:

    I don’t see Cruz bowing out now. I hope to see Kasich do so. Good Heavens, John – what are you thinking?

    The more you bash Trump – the more you bash Americans. That’s a formula for failure. He’s not perfect, but let’s get everyone else out of the way and let him start pounding Hillary. She is the real risk at this point – not Casper Milquetoast (Kasich).

  3. JayMar says:

    Insane. Too little, too late. Besides, what can Carly contribute other than the woman card and a powerful surrogate against Hillary?

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