Pussy Whipped


Someone from the Onion went to work for Al Jazeera, right?

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4 Responses to Pussy Whipped

  1. Nidster says:

    I wonder about some people’s mental acuity that spurs them to create conflict at a time and place where the authorities are particularly sensitive about providing security.

    Question: would people who support Pussy Riot, Madonna for instance, be tolerant of a priest showing up uninvited at one of her parties to conduct a Catholic Mass?

  2. briand75 says:

    Interesting. There is no First Amendment and no Constitution in Russia. And we are to be shocked that someone exercising an anti-government opinion is beaten? What do those in Sharia law get for speaking out? Probably stoned or beheaded. Hello world. Wake up and smell the coffee. The thin veneer of civilization buckles occasionally.

    Don’t you find it fascinating that the leftists in this country think the above is the proper type of government system? Socialism and Communism – get real.

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