Cruz finds sunshine in Utah

Kasich, too…

This morning’s new poll is for Utah, which votes Tuesday (along with Arizona)

The prior Utah polls had huge undecideds and a small lead for Cruz, so I guess people are ready to choose sides.

Utah Poll

Cruz 53%, Kasich 29%, Trump 11%

The effect of this poll on my estimate is
Cruz +13, Kasich +10, Trump -3

It doesn’t affect the outcome – main thing it shows is Mormons would vote for Kasich, except the one living in Texas.

This entry was posted in 2016 election, Donald Trump, Kasich, Ted Cruz. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Cruz finds sunshine in Utah

  1. Fred Stiening says:

    X vs Y polls for Utah showed up this morning

    In Utah in the general election, Trump loses to either Hillary or Sanders

    The most lopsided outcome is Kasich beats Hillary by 30 points. If Romney forces an open convention or Trump quits, look for Kasich to zoom into the forefront. Polling organizations have been focused on Trump and missing the real story.

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